It was lovely to meet you Aoife. Thank you so much. We hope you found it helpful. I have collated the products we spoke about. As we said – a routine is key. Keep in touch with us over the next few months. Remember the three pillars to healthy hair growth, a clean, hydrated, energised scalp! Thank you again. Chat soon. Claire

Your Products!

Hair Wash Day

Mediceuticals X-Folate Shampoo


How to use

Always shampoo the hair and scalp twice. A euro sized amount of shampoo is more than enough. Create a lather in the hands and pop it into the scalp. Spend 30 seconds massaging the scalp, ignoring the hair. After the 30 seconds rinse well. 

Your second shampoo should be half the amount of product. Again, lathering into the hands and straight onto the scalp, this time you should get a much greater lather even when using half the amount of product. This time involve the ends of your hair very gently and leave for two minutes, bringing under the hairline. Rinse well. 

Mediceuticals Therapeutic Rinse Conditioner


How to use

After your shampoo is rinsed, pop a euro sized amount of this product into the palm of you hands and rub together to activate the product. And like John Travolta in Grease, pull this through your scalp - make sure you're covering the scalp. Massage into the scalp. Then grab some hair conditioner/mask and pop it into the ends of your hair. Leave both there for 2-3 mins and rinse well.

Private: Wella Invigo Anti-Dandruff Shampoo


How to use

Private: Davines OI Conditioner


How to use

  • After shampooing , apply evenly to mid-lengths and ends.
  • Leave on for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse well and gently towel dry

Additional Scalp Care

Remi – Bye Bye Build Up Scalp Exfoliator


How to use

Shake bottle well before use. Brush your hair through. Use as a pre shampoo treatment. Tilt your head back. Use nozzle to apply directly onto the scalp. Leave on for 2 mins (first time users/sensitive scalp) Leave on for 10 mins (experienced user/congested scalp). Overtime, increase timings accordingly. Rinse well and begin to shampoo.

Who can use?

Suitable for all scalp and hair types.

Act+Acre Microbiome Cooling Scalp Serum


How to use

Remi – Density Drop


How to use

Can be used on a damp or a dry scalp. Gently stamp the scalp to increase blood flow. Dispense the serum evenly with the pipette, massaging it in for a nourishing experience. Work this into your skincare routine. Sleep well!


Who can use?

Suitable for all scalp and hair types.

Private: Davines NaturalTech Calming Superactive


How to use

Apply Calming Superactive to sensitized or itching areas. Massage in until completely absorbed. Do not rinse off. It can be used also after an anti-dandruff treatment, in the
event of sebum hyper-production or dry scalp, since these problems often cause itching.

In a perfect World

How to use


How to use

How to use

keep in the fridge

How to use


Private: Redken One United Multi-Benefit Treatment Spray


How to use

Alone: Apply after cleansing to refresh hair between washes.

With a rinse-out treatment: Apply after cleansing and before rinse-out treatment. With a leave-in treatment: Layered after cleansing.

With a styling product: Apply before or after styling.

Aoife just to go through your routine, Bye Bye Build up once a week starting at 2mins building up to 10mins can be used twice if you have a flair up . (when your having a flair up use ) Shampoo Twice with Mediceuticals X-folate leave the second shampoo stand for 1 or 2 mins. Condition with Mediceuticals Therapeutic . In-between use Wella Anti Dandruff and i have listed Davines OI conditioner for your length and ends. Act + Acre Microbiome Cooling Serum is amazing for relieving that itch it will soothe your scalp or Davines Natural / tech calming super active also a beautiful product that will give you relief . Scalp massage is great if you keep it cool in your fridge . Apply Remi Density Drop every night it will promote growth and is anti aging it will also give relief from itchiness . Claire Ann x